MATT MORASKY, "The Future of (Business) Interaction: Daring to Leap the Understanding Gap"
Frontiers 2012
Associate Creative Director - Dachis Group Europe
As the demands of UX become more complex and clients seek “partners” rather than vendors, the need for understanding and clarity in all aspects of business has never been greater. Increasingly, visual thinking is being incorporated into evolving service offerings to not only improve the solution, but also to enhance the process of arriving at the solution. Matt will share his experiences using VT methods to help clients improve their business interactions.
Associate Creative Director - Dachis Group Europe
As the demands of UX become more complex and clients seek “partners” rather than vendors, the need for understanding and clarity in all aspects of business has never been greater. Increasingly, visual thinking is being incorporated into evolving service offerings to not only improve the solution, but also to enhance the process of arriving at the solution. Matt will share his experiences using VT methods to help clients improve their business interactions.