The future of fintech - Poormina Vijayashanker - Founder, Femgineer; founding engineer
Frontiers 2015
Poornima Vijayashanker is currently the founder at Femgineer, previously founding engineer at Since Mint’s acquisition, she has taught software product development to entrepreneurs and engineer around the world through Femgineer’s courses, and also started BizeeBee, a CRM solution for fitness businesses. Poornima has been fascinated by technology since she was 3. Her father, a hardware engineer, made “chips” and “wafers,” which she thought were potato chips and cookies! Eventually her dad took her to his fab (fabrication laboratory) when she was 9, where she sat and watched how chips and wafers were made and tested. Inspired by all that technology could do for humanity, she double majored in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Duke University, then moved to Silicon Valley, where she was lured into startup land. She was the founding engineer at Since its acquisition she has gone on to start two more companies:BizeeBee, a CRM solution for fitness businesses, and Femgineer, an education company for tech professionals and entrepreneurs. She recently taught at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering.