Simonetta Di Pippo, "Lessons from space missions for company organization"

Frontiers 2012
Responsible for the European Space policy observatory.

She joined the European Space Agency after 22 years at the Italian Space Agency (ASI). She served as the Special Advisor to the ESA Director General, from March 2011 to May 2012, after having spent 3 years in her capacity of ESA Director of Human Spaceflight (May 2008 – March 2011). In this role, she was responsible for the European contribution to the ISS, ESA’s programmes in life and physical sciences, their promotion and exploitation as well as the definition, preparation and implementation of future European human spaceflight activities, in LEO and beyond (human exploration) and the build-up of European capabilities (space infrastructure, transportation, ground segment).

In May 2009 she started, as on of the two co-founders and President, the international association Women in Aerospace Europe, a network dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community, by creating a Network in Europe and across the globe.
Starting from mid 2011, she has been asked to serve as the Chair of the International
Space Safety Foundation.

Di Pippo has been knighted in 2006 by the President of the Italian Republic “Cavaliere Ufficiale” for her scientific merits.
In 2008 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) named asteroid 21887 “Dipippo” in recognition of her outstanding contribution to space exploration.
